
The Process Intelligence application provides a workspace to set and interact with different filters. The filters display differently in Process Analysis and Task Mining projects. In addition to the currently applied filters, a Task Mining project pane allows to set filters on individual tasks. Hover over the Current section on the project homepage to see the number of filters applied.

Filter options

  • Set – This filter shows the name of the selected set. By default, the All timelines option is selected. Click the field to open the Sets window, where you can manage created sets, switch between sets, and delete or export timelines belonging to the selected set. For more information, see Timeline sets.

    The Data Manager role is required to perform certain actions, such as to delete timelines. For more information, see Account settings.

  • Current– The number in the green circle shows the amount of active filters applied. The same number of timelines is shown when you save filters as a set.  Click this field to open the Filters window, where you can see a list of the currently applied filters. These can be filters from the selected set, filters applied from analysis modules, reverted filters, and so on. For each filter, you can see the number of timelines relative to all timelines in the project, based on the filter criteria.

  • Task – This section is available for Task Mining projects only. It shows the name of the selected task. By default, the All tasks option displays. Click this field to open the Task window which shows the list of all defined tasks in the project, then select a task in the appeared window to focus on it. You can use this while working with the Task schema to switch between tasks' graphs. For more information, see Task schema.

Creating filters

To create rules and conditions that will be used as filters, you can:

  • Use the built-in filtering tools to search and choose timelines, such as, searches, queries, and tags.
  • Configure metrics, such as conditions for choosing timelines using statistics, for example, duration of timelines, event count per timeline, and so on. These metrics are calculated automatically after the data upload.
  • Use tiles and charts on boards to choose timelines in Process view. Create and apply filters based on default and user-defined metrics.
  • Use analysis modules to select timelines that comply with analysis results. For example, you can create a filter for timelines that have failed to meet the deadline, or search for timelines with a specific time interval between events. You can configure filters using one of these analysis modules: Process view, Path analysis, Protocol, Metric history, Workflow analysis, Interval measurements, Breakdown, Predecessor analysis, and Deadline analysis.

Impact of current filters on other tools

The Current section displays all applied filters including unsaved filters. Analysis tools are based on the information that is captured in the Current section.

For example:

  • The Simulation feature mines the process behavior based on timelines that correspond to filters in the Current section.
  • A schema in Milestone view uses currently applied filters to show statistics for nodes and transitions.