

Metrics is a flexible tool that allows you to save certain measurements for further comparison or analysis. With the help of Metrics, you can pick the required information from a timeline set and turn it into a separate unit.

In Process Intelligence, metrics are not independent, even if designed as a separate tool. They are the basis for detailed analysis in the Aggregations and Charts tools.

You can create timeline sets based on certain time periods, and, for each of them, add a metric for the time gap between two events, for example, the retrieval of a package by a courier and the delivery to a customer. Add these metrics on a dashboard as a chart to be compared with similar ones from other time frames, such as months or weeks. You will see a visual representation of the possible deviations, with the flexibility to analyze the impact of external factors on the stability of your shipping service. You will not need to configure the comparison every time, since you have saved these as custom metrics.


  1. Click the icon > Project configuration > Metrics.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Add a name and a description for the metric.
  4. Choose a Set name to base the metric on.
  5. Select a metric type.
  6. Click Save.

    The Metric list displays.

Metric types

Type Description and configuration

Attribute distinct count

Shows the number of distinctive values for the given attribute in the chosen set.

Additional options:

  • Choose a dimension (pair of event and its attribute) by clicking + Select dimensions...

Attribute value

Shows the specific attribute values in timelines based on the chosen aggregator function. *

This metric can be applied only to the attributes of the type Number.

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.
  • Choose a dimension (pair of event and its attribute) by clicking + Select dimensions... Make sure that the attribute is of the type Number.
Business duration

Shows the business duration of timelines based on the chosen aggregator function. *

The calculation is made according to the Calendar tool settings, so it is impossible to save this metric type in a project without an applied calendar.

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.


Counts the cost of timelines based on the chosen aggregator function. *

Only events with configured costs are calculated.

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.
  • Optional. Choose a specific event to count its cost. Otherwise, all occurred events will be counted.

Cost of events

Counts the cost of events based on the chosen aggregator function. *

Events without set cost (with cost 0) are also included in the calculation.

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.
  • If required, choose a specific event.
Count of events

Shows the total number of events or a single event in the chosen set.

Additional options:

  • Optional. Choose a specific event to count its occurrences. Otherwise, all occurred events will be counted.
Count of events per timeline

Shows the number of events, or a specific one in timelines based on the chosen aggregator function. *

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.
  • Optional. Choose a specific event to count its occurrences in one timeline. Otherwise, all occurred events will be counted.
Count of timelines Shows the number of timelines in the chosen set.
Count of unique events per timeline

Shows the number of events that occur only once in the chosen set of timelines. Based on the chosen aggregator function. *

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.

Derived metric

Shows the calculation of two metrics depending on the chosen arithmetical operator.

Additional options:

  • Choose the formatting: number, cost, time, business time (based on the Calendar tool's settings).
  • Set the first and second metrics that should be calculated.
  • Select an operator:

    "+" - add

    "-" - subtract

    "*" - multiply

    "/" - divide

    "^" - raise to the power of


Shows the overall duration of timelines based on the chosen aggregator function. *

Additional options:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.

Time interval measurement

Shows the time gap between two specific events based on the chosen aggregator function. *

Additional steps to configure:

  • Choose one of the aggregator functions.
  • To set the interval, choose start and end events by clicking the "+" icons. For events that occur more than once in a timeline, make sure to choose if the first or the last occurrence should be used. Optionally, if you want to include attribute details, add them for each event from the drop-down list. You can only select one start and one end event.

* The aggregator function is a mathematical function where the values of multiple data sets are grouped together to form a single summary value. In Process Intelligence you can use the following aggregators: min; max; average; sum; median; 10, 25, 75, 90 percentiles; standard deviation.

Metrics in other tools


In this tool, you can combine your metrics with dimensions and display the results in a table view. For more information, see Aggregations.


Charts can be based on metrics. Add an already existing metric or create a new one to use it as a chart source for further visualization. With the help of such charts, you can add your metrics to dashboards and the process view board. For more information, see Charts.

Side-by-side analysis

Metrics are the main elements for this analysis module. Add your created metrics to the Side-by-side analysis to get a visualized comparison on one screen. For more information, see Side by side comparison.