Getting started with Blue Prism Process Intelligence

Blue Prism Process Intelligence powered by ABBYY Timeline allows businesses to utilize the latest innovation in artificial intelligence to automatically build an interactive digital twin of their processes, analyze them in real-time to identify bottlenecks, and predict future outcomes to facilitate decision-making of technology investments, via advanced task and process mining technology.

To assess the efficiency of your business processes, Blue Prism Process Intelligence offers the following capabilities:

Process Analysis

Process Analysis uses digital footprints and logs so that you can examine your company's performance metrics and business processes in real time and zoom into individual stages. For example, you can find out the average time it takes to have a document approved by your Accounts Payable, or see if a required step has been accidentally skipped when paying an invoice. Process Analysis gives you a complete picture of the workings of your business and enables you to predict process outcomes and assess the potential benefits of automation.

Basic stages

  1. Data collection and extraction – First, you need to collect the logs with information about your business events, including event ID, name, and time.
  2. Process analysis – Using the built process analysis tools, you will be able to increase your customer traffic, reduce front-office workloads, detect deviations from approved procedures, or identify areas that will benefit most from process automation.
  3. Monitoring and alerts – You can monitor a process in real time. For example, Process Intelligence can monitor compliance with a Service Level Agreement and alert your staff about pitfalls like missed deadlines.
  4. Event forecasts – Making use of historical data, Process Intelligence can predict possible deviations from established procedures and offer tips on how to avoid them. For example, it can predict if an invoice will be paid on time or if a loan application will be approved.

For more information on how to start analyzing your business processes, see the Process Analysis project.

Task Mining

Task Mining will help you get an insight into your employees' interactions with the software used inside your company and see how much time they spend on specific processes or stages. This information will give you a better understanding of the efficiency at each stage and automate business routines wherever possible.

Basic stages

  1. Recording users' activity inside applications – The Recorder is installed on every user's machine. This module works in the background and automatically collects information about business operations performed by the user, for example, selecting table cells, copying and pasting data, editing fields, or clicking links). The Recorder creates snapshots of the users' screens and periodically sends them to the central server.
  2. Analyzing users' tasks, actions, and reactions – Using the collected data, Process Intelligence will automatically discover process stages and various patterns, such as recurring actions performed by the users of your company's computers. This will help you examine the complexity off the tasks, the order of actions employed by each user to complete the same task, the time spend on each task, and routines performed by all users.
  3. Automation tips – Once the collected data has been analyzed, Process Intelligence will offer suggestions on which tasks will benefit most from process automation. Examples of such tasks include copying and pasting data between programs, collecting data (for example, oil prices) from weekly bulletins, creating tables or diagrams, or generating analytical reports.

For more information on how to start mining your tasks, see the Task Mining project.