ALM – Triggered notifications

There are several in-built triggers that notify users about specific events throughout the automation life cycle. To view these notifications, select the bell icon located in the top-right corner of your screen. If you have no notifications, the notification tray will be empty. This icon is also used to review any future system announcements.

The table below describes each notification type.




Process definition sign off

The Business Process Owner initiates a process definition sign off.

Members who need to sign off the process definition.

Process definition signed off

All required members have signed off a process definition.

Business process owners.

Process definition sign off redacted

A required business process member has redacted a process definition that they have previously signed off.

Business process owners.

Process definition sign off by Business Process Owner

A business process owner redacts the sign-off process.

Members who need to sign off the process definition.

All required members have signed-off

All required business process members have signed a process definition off.

Business process owners.

Process definition created

A process definition has been created.

Members of the process definition.

Process definition deleted

A process definition has been deleted.

Members of the process definition.

Removed from a Business Process

A member is removed from a business process.

The member who has been removed from the business process.