Regular expressions

If you choose the Regex option in the Form designer, you can program the structure for the data that appears.

Only the Text capture type offers full regular expression capabilities. The other capture types offer other, simple restrictions to control the data input.

The table below illustrates the more common characters that can be used in the Regex field and gives you some examples of the matching performed.


What does it do?




Matches beginning of line

This marks the start of your regex entry



Matches end of line

This marks the end of your regex entry



Matches any character


abc, a2c, axc


OR character


abc or xyz


Matches anything contained in brackets


Can only use uppercase A to E


Matches anything not contained in brackets


Cannot use uppercase A to E


The exact 'x' amount of times to match


Can only use uppercase A to E and must contain at least 2 characters


Match between 'x' and 'y' times


Can only use uppercase A to E and must contain at least 2 characters and no more than 4


Match 'x' amount of times or more


Can only use uppercase A to E and must contain at least 2 characters but no limit on total number


Matches character before + one or more times


Matches abc, or abbbc


Matches the character before the ? zero or one times


Matches ac, or abc


Switches the matching of a character to be not allowed


Three digits between 001 to 899 allowed, but specifically 000 is not allowed

Example: National Insurance Number


Here is an explanation of this regular expression:

  • ^ – the beginning of string
  • [A-CEGHJ-PR-TW-Z]{1} – matches the first letter, it cannot be D, F, I, Q, U or V
  • [A-CEGHJ-NPR-TW-Z]{1} – matches the second letter, it cannot be D, F, I, O, Q, U or V
  • [0-9]{6} – must be six digits
  • [A-D]{1} – matches last letter which can only be A, B, C or D
  • $ – the end of the string

This is what a valid National Insurance Number looks like.

This is what an invalid national insurance number looks like.

Example Social Security Number


Here is an explanation of this regular expression:

  • ^ – the beginning of string
  • (?!000|666) – does not allow either 000 or 666 to be entered
  • [0-8][0-9]{2} – matches the first digit between 0 and 8, and the next two digits between 00 and 99
  • - – the user has to type a hyphen as a separator
  • (?!00)[0-9]{2} – matches two digits between 01 and 99, specifically stopping 00 from being entered
  • - – the user has to type a hyphen as a separator
  • (?!0000)[0-9]{4} – matches four digits between 0001 and 9999, specifically stopping 0000 from being entered
  • $ – the end of the string

This is what a valid Social Security Number looks like.

This is what an invalid Social Security Number looks like.