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This user guide covers the Blue Prism Cloud Interact product. The guide is broken into five separate sections to explain the operation of Interact, these are:

  • Administrator access
    • The administrator responsibilities of Interact, which covers configuration and settings;
    • Branding and customization capabilities of Interact supporting alignment to an organization’s own corporate colors and brand images.
  • Establishing communication
    • Establishing communications between Interact and Blue Prism Design Enterprise. Including configuring a queue and API, creating a process form and submitting a request.
  • Interact controller
    • Using the Interact Controller to retrieve items from Blue Prism Design Studio into Interact.
  • Interact elements
    • Details of each of the Form elements available to the developer.
  • Interact restrictions
    • Details of the Form element restrictions and the user rights.

The Interact product is a customizable web portal, accessible from any computer or mobile device via a browser. It enables organizations to present processes for user initiation or to involve users within parts of a process that are otherwise automated. Interact acts as both an interface for tasks initiation and a presentation layer for any information that needs to be presented back to a user. It is deployed in a client-specific, multi-faceted configuration, and therefore Interact can give a highly customized look and feel to each user within an organization’s internal or external user base, based on their configuration. Interact provides a mechanism for organizations to put online their service catalog of processes.