Silent installation

Downloading and installing any of the SS&C | Blue Prism® Enterprise components, including by silent installation via command line, means that you accept the End User License Terms.

The Blue Prism Enterprise components can be installed via the command line using the commands in the sections below.

These instructions illustrate how a single device can be scripted to be configured with:

  • SQL Server
  • Blue Prism application server connected to the SQL Server
  • Blue Prism interactive client connected to the application server

The examples provided within this section are for illustrative purposes only and should be tested prior to being used in a production environment.

Information on the scripting capabilities can be found in the In-Product help (automate.exe /help), and by using the automatec /? switch.

SQL Server

To install SQL Server from the command line, see the following Microsoft article.

Production environments should be configured to connect to SQL Server using Windows Authentication where possible.

Blue Prism

If you use scripts to install Blue Prism, you must ensure that you enter the exact installer name into the script, which is specific to the Blue Prism software version. The examples below use BluePrism7.2.0_x64.msi. If you are installing on to 32-bit systems, you will need to use BluePrism7.2.0_x86.msi.

The example scripts use the switches /QB (basic UI during the installation process) or /QN (no UI during the installation process). For more information on the switches, see the Microsoft documentation on Windows Installer command-line options.

Elevated permissions may be required to run a silent installation (/qn) of Blue Prism. If you do not have the required ppermissions (for example, permissions to install to the specified folder), the silent installation may fail.

Core application

To install Blue Prism use the command:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64.msi /QB- ALLUSERS=1

This command installs Blue Prism including the default optional components, such as the Chrome browser extension.

By default, Blue Prism is installed in C:\Program Files. If you want to install Blue Prism to a different drive or folder, you can use the INSTALLFOLDER parameter. For example, to install Blue Prism Enterprise in E:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate, use the following command line:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64.msi /QB INSTALLFOLDER="E:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate" ALLUSERS=1

You cannot install a 64-bit application into the Program Files (x86 ) folder, nor a 32-bit application into the 64-bit folder.

Custom install options

To install Blue Prism without the optional components, use the ADDLOCAL parameter with the BluePrism and BPServer components:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64 ADDLOCAL=BluePrism,BPServer /qn

The BluePrism and BPServer components must both be specified to install or upgrade Blue Prism using the ADDLOCAL parameters. They cannot be used in isolation.

The ADDLOCAL parameter can also be used to install the following optional components:




Installs the DLLs required on all devices on which the Blue Prism MS Outlook Email VBO will be executed.


Installs the DLLs required on all devices on which the Google Sheets VBO will be executed.


Installs the Blue Prism Chrome browser extension required on devices that will use this mechanism to automate Chrome.


Installs the Blue Prism Edge browser extension required on devices that will use this mechanism to automate Microsoft Edge.


Installs the Blue Prism components necessary to automate applications on a Citrix virtual desktop.


Installs the Blue Prism virtual driver and supporting DLLs on an interactive client or digital worker.

The Firefox browser extension is not available for installation from Blue Prism 7.2. The latest Blue Prism version that includes the Firefox extension is Blue Prism 7.1.2. For more information, see the Upgrade notices.

To install Blue Prism with the Chrome and Edge browser extensions, use the command:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64 ADDLOCAL=BluePrism,BPServer,ChromePlugin,EdgePlugin /qn

To install Blue Prism and the components required to interact with Microsoft Outlook:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64 ADDLOCAL=BluePrism,BPServer,OutlookAutomation /qn

To install Blue Prism with Google sheets:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64 ADDLOCAL=BluePrism,BPServer,GoogleSheets /qn

To install the Citrix Virtual Desktops agent in the Citrix VDE:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64 ADDLOCAL=CitrixAgent /qn

To install Blue Prism and the Citrix virtual driver on an interactive client or digital worker:

msiexec /i BluePrism7.2.0_x64 ADDLOCAL=BluePrism,BPServer,CitrixDriver /qn

Configure the database connection

Once Blue Prism is installed, the Blue Prism database connection can be configured.

For the SQL Server (SQL Authentication) mode, use this format:

Automate.exe /dbconname <Friendly name for the connection> /setdbname <Database name> /setdbserver <Database server> /setdbusername <Database user> /setdbpassword <User's password>

For example:

Automate.exe /dbconname "Friendly name" /setdbname "DB Name" /setdbserver "DB Server" /setdbusername "DB User" /setdbpassword "********"

For the SQL Server (Windows Authentication) mode use this format:

Automate.exe /dbconname <Friendly name for the connection> /setdbname <Database name> /setdbserver <Database server>

For example:

Automate.exe /dbconname "Friendly name" /setdbname "DB Name" /setdbserver "DB Server"

Create a Blue Prism database

Once a database connection has been defined a Blue Prism database can then be created.

Database secured using SQL Authentication

AutomateC.exe /createdb "*******"

Database secured using Windows Authentication

AutomateC.exe /createdb ""

Reset the default admin password

The default admin password must be reset before registering a license if the password has expired., using the format below:

/resetdefaultadminpassword <New password>

For example:

/resetdefaultadminpassword "MyN3wP4$$w0rd"

Register the license

The license can be added to the deployment by specifying the path of the license file in the command below:

AutomateC.exe /license <Path of the license file>

For example:

AutomateC.exe /license "c:\temp\MyBluePrismLicense.lic"

The /license switch needs to be used in conjunction with either /sso or /user <user> <password>.

Create the server service profile

Create a server service that uses the created connection, using the format below. An encryption scheme named Default Encryption Scheme will be created by default.

AutomateC.exe /serverconfig <Profile name> <Connection name> <Port number>

For example:

AutomateC.exe /serverconfig "Default" "Connection friendly name" "8199"

Do not use this method to create a server for an existing environment as the encryption scheme must match existing schemes.

Configure a connection to the application server

Configure the devices to connect to the environment via the Blue Prism Server, using the format below.

Automate.exe /dbconname <Default connection> /setbpserver <Server name> <Port number>

For example:

Automate.exe /dbconname "Default connection" /setbpserver "Server1" "8181"

Import processes

If there are business objects or processes to be imported the XML files can be imported individually using a command in the following format:

AutomateC.exe /import <Path to XML file> /user <User name> <User's password>

For example:

AutomateC.exe /import "C:\My Process.xml" /user admin admin

AutomateC.exe /import "C:\My Object.xml" /user admin admin

The user credentials supplied here (username "admin" and password "admin") are the sample options for native authentication; these have not yet been changed but will be changed later. Where Active Directory authentication is being used, the option "/user admin admin" should be replaced with "/sso"; this assumes that the Active Directory groups have already been configured.

Publish processes

Any processes which need to be published can be published as follows:

AutomateC.exe /publish <Process name> /user <User name> <User's password>

For example:

AutomateC.exe /publish "My Process" /user admin admin

Publishing a process makes it available to be run or scheduled.

Script references

The following table provides references to further information on the command line examples printed above.


Help Reference

Download Location



Blue Prism

AutomateC.exe /help


Contact your Account Manager or the Technical Support Team


Generate manual SQL Create and Upgrade Scripts

For scenarios where it is necessary for database creation or update operations to occur manually, the SQL scripts for the operation can be generated.

  • Create script – AutomateC.exe can be used to generate a script and save it on a local device which, when run against a blank database, generates the Blue Prism schema and carries out essential configuration.

    Automatec.exe /getdbscript > <Name of script>

    For example:

    Automatec.exe /getdbscript > "c:\temp\CreateScript.sql"

  • Upgrade script – AutomateC.exe can be used to generate a script and save it on a local device which, when run against an existing Blue Prism database, updates the schema and configuration to be appropriate for the version of Blue Prism.

    Automatec.exe /getdbscript /fromrev <Enter the script number> > <Name of script>

    When upgrading from a patch release, use the script number of the base minor version for the /fromrev switch to make sure all the relevant updates are included. For example, if you are upgrading from 6.10.6, use the script number of version 6.10.0. For example:

    Automatec.exe /getdbscript /fromrev 395 > "c:\temp\UpgradeScript.sql"

    Blue Prism version

    Script number

    6.3 255





















Advanced scripted techniques

Set up the Windows services

For each server configuration (excluding Default which is configured automatically), a windows service can be created using SC.exe. This is the service control program typically distributed within resource kits by Microsoft.

sc create <Service name> binPath= "[Blue Prism Install Location]\BPServerService.exe <Configuration Name>"

Please note that in the below examples that there is a space between binPath= and the opening quote, and also that the configuration name is within the same quotes as the location as the BPServerService.

sc create "Blue Prism Dev Server" binPath= "C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate\BPServerService.exe Development"

sc create "Blue Prism Test Server" binPath= "C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate\BPServerService.exe Test"

Where the server configuration name contains spaces, it is necessary to use a backspace as an escape character. The example below shows the setup where the server configuration name is “Development Environment”

sc create "Blue Prism Dev Server" binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Blue Prism Limited\Blue Prism Automate\BPServerService.exe\" \"Development Environment\""

Configure the Access Control List (ACL) for non-administrators

When the Blue Prism Server service is configured to use a WCF connection mode, if the Service logon account is not a local administrator, it will be necessary to grant the logon account user permissions to start the listener using the defined settings.

The command to set up the ACL will differ based on the WCF connection mode and the binding configured on the associated server profile settings.

netsh http add urlacl url=[http | https]://[Server Binding]/bpserver user=[Service User]

The following should be considered when constructing the command:

  • When using a WCF mode that uses message encryption select http.
  • When using a WCF mode that uses transport encryption select https.
  • When a binding is specified this must be explicitly stated in the command.
  • When not using a binding, a strong wildcard should be used in the binding.

WCF mode using message encryption with no server binding specified on the server profile

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8199/bpserver user=Domain\UserName

WCF mode using message encryption with a server binding specified on the server profile

netsh http add urlacl url=http://bpserver001.mydomain:8199/bpserver user=Domain\UserName

WCF mode using transport encryption with no server binding specified on the server profile

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:8199/bpserver user=Domain\UserName

WCF mode using transport encryption with a server binding specified on the server profile

netsh http add urlacl url=https://bpserver001.mydomain:8199/bpserver user=Domain\UserName

Associate a certificate with the network interface

When the Blue Prism Server service is configured to use a WCF connection mode that requires a deployed certificate, these steps provide the commands to associate a locally deployed certificate with the listening IP address and port.

The certificate must be deployed for the computer account. Likewise ensure that the issuing certificate authority is trusted by this device and that the certificate, and its issuing authority, are trusted by all client devices.

netsh http add sslcert ipport=[IP Address:Port] certhash=[Thumbprint] appid={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}

For example:

netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=bac31cc4094793d275167cf02b31bbac2718f3c7 appid={00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF}