Application parameters

When creating a business object, you are required to supply information about your target application using the application definition wizard. This information can be changed at a later date using the Application Modeller.

The following paragraphs describe the information requested, explaining its purpose and nature.

Windows, Java and browser applications

Application manager mode

Application Manager can run in several different modes to allow separation of the target interface process from Blue Prism itself. This can be useful, for example, if Blue Prism is running as a 32-bit process and the target application is a 64-bit process, or vice versa.

The available modes are:

  • Embedded (default) – This is the default mode, and was the only available mode of operation prior to Blue Prism version 4.2. In this mode, Application Manager runs in the same process as Blue Prism itself. There is no separation. .

    From Blue Prism 7.2, Blue Prism can also run as a 64-bit process when installed as a 64-bit application. If running Blue Prism on a 64-bit device and importing a release which contains business objects created in versions earlier than 7.2 where the Embedded (default) Application Manager mode was configured as 32-bit, a warning message prompts users to select whether they want to use the embedded default mode (64-bit) or the external 32-bit mode.When a user opts to use the external 32-bit mode, an audit log entry is added to System > Audit > Audit Logs.

  • External, 32-bit mode – Application Manager runs in a separate process when interfacing with the target application. The Application Manager process is always 32-bit.
  • External, 64-bit mode – Application Manager runs in a separate process when interfacing with the target application. The Application Manager process is always 64-bit.
  • External, OS address size – Application Manager runs in a separate process when interfacing with the target application. The Application Manager process matches the operation system address size. e.g. on 64-bit Windows, it will be a 64-bit process.
  • External, Blue Prism address size – Application Manager runs in a separate process when interfacing with the target application. The Application Manager process matches Blue Prism's address size. e.g. if Blue Prism is running as a 64-bit process, the Application Manager process will also be 64-bit.

Application timeout

This parameter determines how long Blue Prism waits for the target application to respond before throwing an exception. The timeout is applied to all application manager actions in Read, Write, Navigate, and Wait stages, and can be used to prevent the Blue Prism process from becoming blocked indefinitely if the target application becomes unresponsive.

A timeout value of 0 is interpreted as no timeout. This is the default value.

This parameter only applies if the Application Manager Mode is set to one of the external modes.


This parameter allows additional options to be set which modify the behavior of the interface with the target application or enable special features. Normally it should be left empty, unless these specific features are required. To enable features, add them in a comma-separated list as required.

Options currently defined are:

  • descendtree – For Java applications, causes element searching to be done by descending the tree of elements within the target application. The default (i.e. when this option is not set) is to directly retrieve a list of visible Java elements for each Java-associated window in the target application. Descending the tree is usually slower, but some target applications and JREs can crash using the default method.
  • ignorenotshowing – For Java applications, when descending the tree, ignore branches of the tree below elements which are reported to be not showing. This may result in a significant performance improvement.
  • nodisconnect – For terminal emulators, when enabled this option will result in the underlying terminal emulator API not being closed down when disconnecting, terminating, or detaching from the emulator. Dependent to the API specifications, its usage may lead to memory leaks (both in Blue Prism and the Terminal Emulator software) and other associated problems such as crashes (known to happen with Attachmate). However, the resulting behaviour has been found to be desirable and free from obvious problems with some emulators. This option should be used with caution, and tested before use within a production environment.

Browser applications

Mainframe applications