Wildcards and Regular Expressions


Wildcards allow a single special character to denote missing parts of a word.




Denotes any value or character, such as any letter or sequence of letters (including the empty sequence). For example, the search term "calc*" would match all of the words "calc", "calculation", "calcutta" and "calcium".


Denotes a single character. For example, "an?" will match any one of "and", "ant", "any" or "ann".


Denotes a digit. For example, "Decision#" will match any one of "Decision1", "Decision2", "Decision3" … "Decision9".

Regular Expressions

Blue Prism uses the Microsoft .NET Regular Expression classes. The regular expression patterns are defined by a special syntax or language, which is compatible with Perl 5 regular expressions.

The following table lists some of the metacharacters commonly used in Regular Expression searches. To use any of the following characters in the regular expression as a character rather than their function, they must be preceded by the escape character (\).




Escape character. Use before any other character in this list to use the following character as itself instead of its function. For example, "\*" to indicate an asterisk.

[ ]

Used to define a character group. For example, [a-z] matches any lowercase character.

( )

Used to define a sub-expression group. For example, "a(bc)d" will match the "bc" in "abcd", will not match the "bc" in "fbcd".


Wildcard character. Matches any single character except new line "\n". To match any character including the "\n", use a pattern such as "[\s\S]".


Matches the preceding element or sub-expression zero or more times. For example, zo* matches "z" and "zoo". * is equivalent to {0,}.


Matches the preceding element or sub-expression one or more times. For example, "zo+" matches "zo" and "zoo", but not "z". + is equivalent to {1,}.


Matches the preceding element or sub-expression zero or one time. For example, "do(es)?" matches the "do" in "do" or "does". ? is equivalent to {0,1}

{ }

Used to define a qualifier group. Qualifier groups define how many times an element or sub-expression should match. For example, "o{2}" does not match the "o" in "Bob", but it does match the double-instance of "o" in "food" (and will return "oo" as a result).


The match must occur at the beginning of the string.


The match must occur at the end of the string or before a new line.


Used to define alternation constructs. Matches one of the two patterns on either side of the | character. For example, gr(a|e)y matches to gray or grey.

How to use regular expressions

For further information about regular expressions and the full range of options available, see the .NET Framework Regular Expressions and Regular Expression Language – Quick Reference pages on Microsoft's online documentation. The regular expressions engine is invoked with default options set.