Synchronize users with Active Directory

This feature only applies to Active Directory users in both single and multiple forests.

Clicking Synchronize users with Active Directory will update the list of Active Directory users under Security - Users to include any new users who are members of the appropriate Active Directory security groups (as configured in Blue Prism roles) and to reflect any changes made to existing users in Active Directory. An Active Directory's user details are refreshed in Blue Prism from Active Directory every time they log into Blue Prism, however administrators can refresh the details of all Active Directory users in the user list by selecting this option.

When this option is selected:

  • Any new Active Directory user accounts assigned to a security group which is mapped to a Blue Prism role will display in the Blue Prism user list.
  • Any user accounts disabled in Active Directory will be marked as deleted in Blue Prism. If a previously disabled account has been re-enabled in Active Directory, it will display in the Blue Prism user list again.
  • Any user accounts deleted from Active Directory will be marked as deleted in Blue Prism, but they can no longer be reinstated.
  • Any updates to a user’s Distinguished Name or UPN in Active Directory will display in Blue Prism. If the UPN is updated, the user’s username will be updated accordingly.

A dialog displays the progress of the synchronization process. Administrators are prevented from closing the dialog until the process completes. Once the process has completed, a summary displays the total number of synchronized accounts and the associated actions.