
Designing a new process using Process Studio is simple and powerful. Using the components provided within the toolbox, complex business processes can be automated and process control and flow elements easily implemented. Here are some guidelines for flowchart creation:

Object names

The name of the object (as specified in properties) always appears on the drawing, with the exception of the note object which will display the narrative.

Start and end terminators

Every flowchart must start with a Start block and end with at least one End block. It is possible to pass parameters into a process from the control room (such as the number of accounts to work) by creating data items in the Process Studio and assigning them to the Start object.

To create a Start or End point, click on the relevant object in the toolbox and then place the object on the canvas by clicking with the mouse.

You must then assign properties to the object – right click on the object with the mouse and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Add a name, such as Start, a narrative and select the object to be implemented as None.

To add an input to the process, select the Add button next to the Inputs details box.

To draw a link, click the Link object in the toolbar and hold down the left mouse button whilst over an object and drag to the next object, then release. This will draw a link between the two objects involved.

To reverse a link, right click on the link and select Switch.


An anchor allows links to be attached end-to-end to allow the flowchart to move around other actions etc.


Data items are not linked to the flowchart, but provide a holder in which to place data within the process. Once created, these data items can be used as inputs or outputs in actions and as part of calculations or decisions.