
MI Reporting

Dashboard information is based upon information stored within the Blue Prism database. The source data for each dashboard Tile is an individual SQL Server Stored Procedure (a saved query) which retrieves data from special management information tables in the database schema. For more information about data sources for Tiles, see Data Sources.

The source tables for the data that is collectively called Management Information (MI) are populated from data is captured when utilisation and productivity statistics are enabled in the Reporting screen.

There are three types of tables in the database which store MI data:

  • Daily Raw Data – contain usage statistics for the current day
  • Daily Consolidated Data – contain consolidated statistics for the defined daily retention period
  • Monthly Consolidated Data – contain consolidated statistics for the defined monthly retention period

The Daily Raw Data tables are populated by enabling the collection of usage and productivity statistics. To enable the recording of statistics:

  • Click on System > Reporting. This reveals the MI Reporting settings.
  • To enable statistics collection select the checkbox Collect utilisation and productivity statistics.

MI data refresh settings

When the collection of statistics is enabled then there are two options to control the task of refreshing the statistics data. The refresh task moves data from the Daily Raw Data tables, aggregated, and then transfers it into the Daily and Monthly Consolidated Data tables.

  • Automatically refresh statistics daily at specified time
    • Uses the Blue Prism Server service to run the refresh task
    • Moves data from the raw tables into the consolidated tables
    • Deletes any data that has exceeded the retention settings
  • Use external tools to refresh statistics
  • Where the MI statistics are not being refreshed automatically by Blue Prism, then the stored procedure ‘usp_RefreshMI’ can be configured to be executed each night. Options for achieving this include:

    • Setting up a scheduled task using the SQL Server Agent
    • Using a Windows scheduled task to execute the stored procedure via the SQLCMD utility
    • Designing and scheduling a Blue Prism process which uses the “Data – SQL Server” visual business object

Retention period settings

Daily and monthly data sets can be retained for a defined period. The exact numbers of days and months can be set using the spin controls in the MI Reporting settings page. Any changes to these settings need to be applied using the Apply button.

The number of days and months determines the amount of data that is kept within the Daily and Monthly Consolidated Data tables. Data which exceeds the defined retention period setting will be automatically deleted from the consolidated tables when the data is refreshed (see MI data refresh settings). The data from the Daily Raw Data tables is transferred to the Daily Consolidated Data tables when the daily refresh job is triggered, and the Raw tables are then emptied.

Built-in reports

System reports allow a system Administrator to gather useful information that can be used for analysing and debugging an installation.

To run a report simply select the required report from the list and click Generate then save the generated report to the required location.

The following reports are available:

  • Roles – All roles, permissions, assignments, and users in the system.
  • System – General status of the system, processes and business objects.
  • Logging – The number and percentage of stages that are set to high logging.
  • Environment Summary – Environment data, including details of interactive clients, servers, resources, domain, and BP version.
  • Runtime Resource Summary – Information about all runtime resources in the current environment such as logging levels, pool membership, and associated schedules for the resources.