Processes/objects – exception types

Exceptions occur during the running of a process for various reasons. There may be, for example:

  • A mistake in the process itself (e.g. an invalid expression entered into a calculation)
  • Failure to match an element (e.g. trying to 'press' a button that doesn't exist)
  • Something wrong with the data (e.g. an account type we don't know how to work)

Usually when an exception occurs, the process stops and its status in Control Room shows as Terminated. Sometimes, it is not desirable for the process to stop when an exception is encountered. In certain contexts, we are able to handle the exception and continue with processing. For example, if a Customer System tells us we can't work a particular case because it is locked, we can trap the resulting exception, mark that case to be worked later, and then the process can carry on running and continue to work subsequent cases.

Hierarchy of processing

The most important exception handling concept is the hierarchical nature of the processing. When an exception occurs, the following happens:

  • If the current stage is within a Block, and that block contains a Recovery Stage, control transfers there
  • Otherwise, if the current page contains a Recovery Stage (outside a block), control transfers there
  • If this page was called by another (e.g. as a page reference, an action or a subprocess call), then the exception occurs at the stage that made the original call, and the above rules apply once again.
  • Ultimately if the exception goes unhandled by all the above, it must occur at a stage on the main page of the original parent process, with no Recovery Stage present. At this point, the process itself stops in an Exception state, and the process status will be marked as Terminated.

If a new exception occurs during recovery, the above process resumes from the next level up the hierarchy.

Exception stage

An Exception Stage is used to raise an exception at any point during the process flow. An exception deliberately raised in this way behaves in the same way as any normal exception that may occur during processing.

The Exception stage has the following details associated with it:

  • Exception Type – a user-defined label describing the category of exception. Users can create their own categories, such as "Data Exception" and "Timeout Exception". The Blue Prism product automatically collates and remembers all Exception Types created in all processes and business objects. This means that the same types can be reused globally in a consistent manner across all processes/objects.
  • Exception Detail – A expression containing any relevant details of the exception.

Recover stage

A Recover Stage provides a means of recovering from an exception. If an exception occurs on a page, and that page contains a Recover Stage, the process flow continues there. Once the process flow has transferred to a Recover Stage, the process is in Recovery Mode, and remains so until either a Resume Stage is encountered, or until a further exception occurs. If another exception occurs while still in recovery mode, the exception is not caught by the same recovery stage, but instead 'bubbles up' to the next level.

Resume stage

A Resume Stage is used to signal that recovery has finished, and normal processing is continuing. Typically, a Recover Stage will be followed by a number of decision/choice stages that lead to different types of cleanup (depending on the type of exception). These stages can then be linked back into the main flow, which must be done via a Resume Stage. Without a Resume Stage, any further exception which occurred would not be handled by the same Recover Stage, but would bubble up to the next level, as if there was no exception handling in place. Once the Resume Stage has been passed, normal exception handling will take place again.


A block is a rectangular region that groups together all the stages that fall completely within it. A block can contain its own Recover Stage, which will handle exceptions that occur within that block.

Visually, a block appears as a rectangle, with the internal area shaded. The block also has its name in a label in the top left-hand corner. This is the only field available on the block's properties form.

When a block is selected from the toolbar a new block can be created by dragging with the mouse to the desired size. Blocks can be resized by dragging one of their four corners. It is an error for blocks to overlap, if you have any overlapping blocks they will be shown in Process Validation.

Exception functions

The expression editor functions treeview includes an extra branch called Exceptions, containing the three exception functions ExceptionText(), ExceptionDetail() and ExceptionStage(). These functions can be used from a calculation or decision when the process is in recovery mode.

Additionally, a third item 'Types' is present, which can be expanded, and contains all the Exception types previously used. Dragging these items from the treeview pastes a string constant e.g. "UserNameTooLong" into the expression view.

Exception message dialogs

Exception message dialogs that usually pop up during debugging do not appear if the exception is handled by a Recovery Stage. Instead the process flow will jump to the recovery stage. In addition the message that used to pop up in a dialog will now be shown above the status bar of Process Studio.

Log history viewer

The log history viewer can be accessed by clicking the button on the right of the status bar. Clicking this button pops up a textbox showing the last ten lines of log output. This is useful when you need to find out what caused the exception, or where the exception came from when the exception has been raised by a subpage.