ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding based on the English alphabet. It assigns a number to represent each letter of the alphabet (with separate codes for upper case and lower case letters), each numerical digit (from 0-9) and to some other important characters. These numbers are referred to as ASCII codes.

The following is a list of ASCII codes and their associated characters.

        Code   Character  Description
         000      NUL	(Null char.)
         001      SOH	(Start of Header)
         002      STX	(Start of Text)
         003      ETX	(End of Text)
         004      EOT	(End of Transmission)
         005      ENQ	(Enquiry)
         006      ACK	(Acknowledgment)
         007      BEL	(Bell)
         008      BS	(Backspace)
         009      HT	(Horizontal Tab)
         010      LF	(Line Feed)
         011      VT	(Vertical Tab)
         012      FF	(Form Feed)
         013      CR	(Carriage Return)
         014      SO	(Shift Out)
         015      SI	(Shift In)
         016      DLE	(Data Link Escape)
         017      DC1	(XON) (Device Control 1)
         018      DC2	(Device Control 2)
         019      DC3	(XOFF)(Device Control 3)
         020      DC4	(Device Control 4)
         021      NAK	(Negative Acknowledgement)
         022      SYN	(Synchronous Idle)
         023      ETB	(End of Trans. Block)
         024      CAN	(Cancel)
         025      EM	(End of Medium)
         026      SUB	(Substitute)
         027      ESC	(Escape)
         028      FS	(File Separator)
         029      GS	(Group Separator)
         030      RS	(Request to Send)(Record Separator)
         031      US	(Unit Separator)
         032      SP	(Space)
         033      !	(exclamation mark)
         034      "	(double quote)
         035      #	(number sign)
         036      $	(dollar sign)
         037      %	(percent)
         038      &	(ampersand)
         039      '	(single quote)
         040      (	(left/opening parenthesis)
         041      )	(right/closing parenthesis)
         042      *	(asterisk)
         043      +	(plus)
         044      ,	(comma)
         045      -	(minus or dash)
         046      .	(dot)
         047      /	(forward slash)
         048      0
         049      1
         050      2
         051      3
         052      4
         053      5
         054      6
         055      7
         056      8
         057      9
         058      :	(colon)
         059      ;	(semi-colon)
         060      <	(less than)
         061      =	(equal sign)
         062      >	(greater than)
         063      ?	(question mark)
         064      @	(AT symbol)
         065      A
         066      B
         067      C
         068      D
         069      E
         070      F
         071      G
         072      H
         073      I
         074      J
         075      K
         076      L
         077      M
         078      N
         079      O
         080      P
         081      Q
         082      R
         083      S
         084      T
         085      U
         086      V
         087      W
         088      X
         089      Y
         090      Z
         091      [	(left/opening bracket)
         092      \	(back slash)
         093      ]	(right/closing bracket)
         094      ^	(caret/cirumflex)
         095      _	(underscore)
         096      `
         097      a
         098      b
         099      c
         100      d
         101      e
         102      f
         103      g
         104      h
         105      i
         106      j
         107      k
         108      l
         109      m
         110      n
         111      o
         112      p
         113      q
         114      r
         115      s
         116      t
         117      u
         118      v
         119      w
         120      x
         121      y
         122      z
         123      {	(left/opening brace)
         124      |	(vertical bar)
         125      }	(right/closing brace)
         126      ~	(tilde)
         127      DEL	(delete)