Static forms in a page

Single static form in a page

A single static form can be placed behind a tile or menu item to display within a page by specifying its position coordinates.

Front-office user workflow

  1. A front-office user triggers the customer journey by clicking a tile or menu item in the front-office user interface.
  2. A page containing a single form is displayed.

    The position of the form on the page depends on the coordinates set in the process design.

Blue Prism developer steps

  1. A Blue Prism developer builds the form using actions such as Section, Text Field, Table, Date, or Slider.

    Each output builds the Form Fields JSON data item.

  2. The form ID is generated.

    Once all actions have been added to the Form Fields JSON data item, this is then used to create a form payload. The form payload is sent to the SQL database and is identified via a form ID.

  3. The developer sets the coordinates for the form on the page.

    The form ID is added to the Page Build collection, along with the coordinates determining the position of the form on the page, for example, top left or top right.

  4. The form is assigned to the page.

    The Page Build collection is assigned to the page and a page ID is generated.

  5. The form ID is assigned to a tile and menu item by using the Create Tile Payload and Create MenuItem Payload actions.

    The tile and menu item are then sent to the Service Assist front-office user interface.

Multiple static forms in a page

Multiple static forms can be placed behind a tile or menu item to display within a page.

Front-office user workflow

  1. A front-office user triggers the customer journey by clicking a tile or menu item.
  2. A page containing multiple forms is displayed.
  3. The position of the form on the page depends on the coordinates set in the process design.

Blue Prism developer steps

  1. A Blue Prism developer builds a series of forms to populate a Page Build collection.

    1. Each form has its unique page assigned, for example, Form A, Form B, or Form C. The output from each form is the Form ID which is added to the Page Build collection.

    2. Each form is built using actions such as Section, Text Field, Table, Date, or Slider. Each output builds the Form Fields JSON data item.

  2. The form ID is generated.

    Once all actions have been added to the Form Fields JSON data item, this is then used to create a form payload. The form payload is sent to the SQL database and is identified via a form ID so it can be added to the Page Build collection.

  3. The developer sets the coordinates for the forms on the page using a Multiple Calculations stage.

    Each form ID is added to the Page Build collection, along with the coordinates determining the position of the form on the page, for example, top left or top right.

  4. The Page Build collection is assigned to the page and a page ID is generated.

  5. The page is assigned to a tile and menu item using the page ID.