Service Assist 2020.2: October 2020

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Blue Prism

6.7.3 or 6.8.1

This release of Service Assist is only compatible with these versions of Blue Prism.



This release of Service Assist is only compatible with these versions of TrustPortal.

Known issues

A list of any prominent issues with this release is maintained in the Blue Prism knowledge base – click here for more information.

Important notices

A valid Service Assist license file is required to activate the software. This will be provided by Blue Prism prior to installation based on purchase of licenses.

Blue Prism release notes

  • The release notes for Blue Prism version 6.7.3 are available here.
  • The release notes for Blue Prism version 6.8.1 are available here.

TrustPortal release notes

Feature summary

The following features have been introduced in this version:

  • The API and Web dockers have been merged, allowing for simpler deployment and management.
  • Significant architectural changes to the TrustPortal Agent:
    • Ability to support local TrustPortal Agent for each runtime resource.
    • Agent registration requires secure token issued by an administrator.
    • Agent configuration is centralized in new Admin > Agent area.
    • Improved installation
  • The look and feel of forms accessed via the Direct URL option has been improved to better match calling websites and systems. This allows administrators to remove banners, and change the active theme in order to match the system or website that is calling the Direct URL form.
  • The API Dashboard (aka "Express Admin") has been removed to prevent unintentional data corruption issues.
  • A new Licensing module has been introduced, which includes a new encrypted license file required for TrustPortal operation.
  • Performance optimization of the ”tp_action” tiles, especially for high throughput (e.g. use with IVR).
  • Improved TrustPortal example processes.
  • Ability to embed TrustPortal forms in existing systems (e.g. or websites using "multi-use" Direct URL tokens.
  • Enhanced security for use of the Direct URL form embedded in other systems to stop cross-site scripting/man-in-middle and denial of service attacks.

Enhancements and fixes

Description of change


New Agent architecture has been implemented to allow administrators to centrally manage the Agent configuration from the Admin > Agents tab in the web admin interface, with two deployment options:

  • Multi-robot Agent – A single TrustPortal Agent supports multiple Blue Prism runtime resources.
  • Agent per robot – Each runtime resource VDI has its own TrustPortal Agent installed on it.

TP 628/630

The environment.json file is no longer configured when the API and web server containers are merged.

TP 792

The store configuration has been changed from 'registry' to 'in-memory' to allow the Agent to run in non-admin mode.

TP 780

On session refresh, only the Agent configuration is now updated.

TP 761

The API dashboard has been removed.

TP 740

An issue has been fixed where number fields failed to parse exponential notations (e.g. 1E4).

TP 736/729

Previously, the simple tab group example was returning ambiguous titles after submission. This has now been fixed.

TP 731

An issue has been fixed where the Direct URL option in the app configuration was not working with some attachments.

TP 697

The InfoSec details have been updated.

TP 583

An issue has been fixed where after editing an Agent configuration and reloading the page, the page would jump to the first Agent in the list.

TP 783

The Chrome access issue via the Direct URL entered in the app configuration has now been fixed.

TP 751

The Direct URL access token has been updated so it no longer expires incorrectly.

TP 748

Fix Race Condition When Updating Actions / Intermittent Failure To Auto- Populate Action List

The following issues have been fixed when updating actions:

  • The race condition, which is the unstable behavior caused by the interplay between multiple components.
  • The intermittent failure to auto-populate the action list.

TP 709/735

Number components can no longer be submitted if they contain non-numeric values.

TP 614

The ability to reset a user via the Personal Data Store (a user's view of their data held in TrustPortal) has been removed.

TP 549

The VBO used for the Direct URL option in the app configuration has been updated.

TP 772

An action to update the queue item status has been added to the QueueItemStatus VBO.

TP 700

An issue has been fixed where a calculation model was not set to an add or subtract function.

TP 565

An update has been made to ensure the Users.Create example converts username to lower case.

TP 766

The name and surname fields have been changed in the Users.Create example.

TP 734

The erroneous message "Data Set Has No Signature" displayed when clicking Done on the Direct URL screen has been removed.

TP 728

An update has been made to prevent internal user accounts from being deleted inadvertently by the TrustPortal Agent.

TP 682

The Agent registration endpoint has been added to the web admin interface under Admin > Agents.

TP 628

An issue has been fixed where running the "Create a Simple Text Field and Get Direct URL" example caused a signature violation for dataset 10.

TP 611

The name of the user now displays in the TrustPortal banner in the top right of the screen.

TP 35

The HttpTimeOut field in the Agent configuration is now set as a number field instead of a text field.

TP 768

Several updates have been made to the example processes.