Installation prerequisites

Ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied before installation.

System requirements

Blue Prism components

The minimum system requirements for Blue Prism components are outlined in the Blue Prism online help. Please refer to the details for the Blue Prism version you require.

For more detailed sizing requirements, please refer to the Service Assist 2020.2 - Sizing Reference Guide (subject to NDA).

Browser compatibility

The Service Assist web user interface is tested against all major browsers to ensure ongoing compatibility. It is recommended to always use the latest version of a browser.

  • Internet Explorer 11 or later (with Pollyfils, so encryption performance may be degraded)
  • Microsoft Edge 17 or later
  • Chrome 69 or later
  • Firefox 60 or later

Older versions may also be used if they support JavaScript 2015. Known older versions previously tested include:

  • Microsoft IE11
  • Microsoft Edge v15 or later
  • Chrome v49 or later
  • Firefox v52 or later

Internet connection

  • An internet connection is required to download the Service Assist software for installation.
  • must be accessible and if required allowlisted in any firewall.

License and installation files

Please ensure you download the compatible versions for installation from the Blue Prism Portal. The required license for Service Assist will be provided by Blue Prism prior to installation.

This guide assumes that Blue Prism is already configured and in use. If this is not the case, please refer to the installation guide compatible to the Blue Prism version installed and the Install Blue Prism components section in this guide.

For details on the TrustPortal installation, see Install TrustPortal services.

Network setup

Option 1: DNS configuration

A DNS ‘A record’ is required and should be created with the name that you want to use in your environment. This the DNS address of the TrustPortal endpoint, that is the address which users would type into their browser to access the web user interface.


For example, if your instance name is serviceassist and FQDN common name is, this would result in the following URL:

Option 2: Add hosts entries to every machine accessing TrustPortal

To edit the Windows hosts file on any digital workers where the TrustPortal agent is working and on any Windows device that will be accessing the Service Assist web user interface:

  1. Navigate to the file location C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and add entries for the <INSTANCENAME>.<FQDN CN> and <INSTANCE NAME>api.<FQDN CN>. Based on the example above, where Service Assist is installed on and INSTANCE is serviceassist and FQDN CN is, add a line to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with:
  2. To test it locally, edit the /etc/hosts files as sudo to add entries for the <INSTANCE NAME>.<FQDN CN> and <INSTANCE NAME>api.<FQDN CN>. Based on the example above, where Service Assist is installed on and INSTANCE is serviceassist and FQDN CN is, add a line to /etc/hosts with:

SSL certificates configuration

Service Assist uses SSL (TLS1.2) and requires a certificate and key pair for <INSTANCE NAME>.<FQDN COMMON NAME>

The certificate is deployed to the NGINX reverse proxy/load balancer server.

This installer creates self-signed certificates by default that allows the installation to be tested. However, self-signed certificates are no longer supported by most web browsers so it is strongly recommended to replace these with fully signed certificates of the same format and in the same directory (/var/local/trustportal-reverse-proxy/certs).

MySQL configuration

A commercial instance of MySQL must be installed and configured prior to installing Service Assist. Previous experience with MySQL is recommended.

Reverse proxy/load balancer

The choice of the reverse proxy/load balancing solution used is entirely dependent on your organization. TrustPortal will automatically deploy a reverse proxy solution should you not have one in place.

Docker, mounted directory, and installation permissions

  • A Docker host is required, running Enterprise Edition version 1.13.1 or later on RHEL, or Docker Community Edition 18.03.1 or later on CentOS or Fedora.
  • Service Assist docker run commands do not force the containers to run as any specific user, but use the default which is the root user. The docker containers used for Service Assist create mounted directories from the host machine to directories within the containers themselves. When the docker run command is used the images provide specific files that are then placed into these directories (databases, configuration files, certificates, license files, etc.). This results in the files on the host being owned by the root user. Standard users will not have access to these files.
  • Blue Prism recommends that installations are carried out by a user that is in the docker group and has sudo access. This allows for the running of the docker commands, creation and modification of configuration and other files needed to set up the environments and also to allow for other initialization type changes (such as setting docker log maintenance configuration, etc.)
  • If SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) is enabled on the host machine, then it must be configured to be 'permissive' (log any actions but do not prevent them from happening) throughout the installation of both Docker and Service Assist.