Side by side comparison

Main use

There are two obvious use cases where a user may want to compare two groups of timelines side by side.

For an explanation we will go through the Emergency Room case which can be found in the Hospital Emergency Room project.

The user creates two sets of timelines. One set has all admitted patients, another set – the admitted patients who have CT Scan ordered in the first two hours. The user wants to know how CT affects the duration and the course of treatment.

The user wants to know how one type of patients is different from all other types. This similar to the previous case however there could be hundreds of patient types so we don’t expect the user to create hundreds of sets to compare in pairs.

The hospital changed some rules on July 1st. Now the management needs to know how the change affected the process. So a user wants to compare the timelines for August to May or to the previous August.

This focuses on the first and last cases – comparing two sets or the same set for two intervals.

To use this tool, select the AnalyzeSide-by-side Comparison menu.

What to compare and how to compare it

Once the user selects the sets or time interval, we could compare:

  • Standard metrics
    • Values
    • Histograms
    • Over time
  • Custom metrics
  • First/last events
  • Protocol violations
  • Breakdowns
  • Permutations
  • Process schemas


The side-by-side comparison will demonstrate the differences between two sets.