Exclude and include applications

Application lists can be configured to control which websites and applications are included in the logs. This should be done before starting to record logs.

The Recorder browser extension must be installed on the user's machine for this functionality to work as expected.

To do this:

  1. On the Recording Service website, click Templates in the navigation menu.
  2. Click the template for which you want to configure application lists.
  3. In the Application list pane, add a new item to the excluded and/or included list.

    By default, user activities are recorded for all websites and desktop applications that users interact with on their machines. Use the Excluded List or Included List options to specify a list of websites or applications that should be excluded from, or included in your logs. Both options can be used to define a website that should be included and a subset of that to be excluded. If the same item appears in both lists, user activities will not be recorded for the specified application or website.

    • To prevent the recording of user activity for a particular website or desktop application, enable the Excluded List option.
    • To track and record user activity for a particular website or desktop application, enable the Included List option.
  4. Click Add item.

    The Add item dialog displays.

  5. Specify the websites and/or desktop applications that you want to exclude or include. You can enter a file path, a URL, or combine valid literal paths and * (asterisk) wildcard characters.


    • Full path to the application: C:\Program Files\ABBYY Recorder\Abbyy.Recorder.App.exe
    • Using * (asterisk) characters in the file path: *\Abbyy.Recorder.App.exe or C:\Program Files\ABBYY*.exe
    • Using * (asterisk) characters in the URL: https://recordingservice.abbyy.com/* (the URL above will prevent/allow user activities to be recorded for the specified web page) or https://*.abbyy.com/* (the URL will prevent/allow user activities to be recorded across all the URL's sub-domains.)

  6. Click Save.


The examples in the table assume that the Recorder browser extensions are installed on a user's machine. If the extensions are not installed, user activities are not recorded in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

If the same item appears in both Exclude and Include lists, user activities will not be recorded across the specified application or website. The item will be excluded from your logs.

Excluded List

Included List




Records user activities in all applications, browsers, and sites that match the https://*.blueprism.com/* template.



Records user activities in all applications and browsers. Recording is disabled in the sites that match the template https: //*.blueprism.com/*.



Records user activities in all applications and browsers except the Firefox browser.



Records user activities only in the Google Chrome browser. Recording is disabled for other browsers and applications.


*\Chrome.exe, https://*.blueprism.com/*

Records user activities only in the Google Chrome browser and sites that match the specified template. For example, the following site will be recorded: https://www.blueprism.com/products/blue-prism-process-intelligence//

Recording is disabled for other browsers and applications.



Records user activities in all applications and browsers except the Firefox browser. Recording in browsers will be carried out only for sites that match the https://*.blueprism.com/* template.


*\chrome.exe, *\firefox.exe, *\excel.exe

Records user activities in the Google Chrome and Firefox browsers and Microsoft Excel. Recording is disabled for the Microsoft Edge browser and other applications.



Records user activities in all browsers. Recording is disabled for Microsoft Teams.



Records user activities in all applications and browsers

Recording in browsers will be carried out only for sites that match the https://*.blueprism.com/* templates. Recording is disabled for https://procurement.blueprism.com/* site.


http*, *\firefox.exe, *\chrome.exe, *\edge.exe

Records user activities in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Recording is disabled for all desktop applications.

It is not recommended to record messenger information, as often messages have sensitive information. Recording in messengers can affect the performance of the user's machine as well. The following messengers should be added to the Excluded list:

  • Adium
  • Atlassian HipChat
  • Blackberry Messenger
  • Brosix
  • Cisco Jabber
  • Cisco Webex
  • Discord
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Google Hangouts
  • IBM Lotus Sametime
  • Lync
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Signal
  • Skype
  • Skype for Business
  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • WeChat
  • WhatsApp

Predefined Excluded List

The Default template contains a predefined Excluded List of ignored messengers and their websites. Enable the Excluded list option to prevent all user activities from being recorded on specified applications and websites. By default, the Excluded List option is disabled. The table below lists the applications and corresponding items in the Excluded List. You can add items to the Excluded List manually.

Application Item in the Excluded List
Blackberry Messenger *\BBM Enterprise.exe
Brosix https://web.brosix.com/* *\Brosix.exe
Cisco Webex https://web.webex.com/ *\CiscoJabber.exe
Discord https://discord.com/channels/* *\Discord.exe
Facebook Messenger https://facebook.com/messages/* *\Messenger.exe
Google Hangouts https://mail.google.com/chat/* https://hangouts.google.com/*
Lync *\lync.exe
Sametime *\stcommunity.exe





















