Update Active Directory security groups accessing Recording Service resources

Active Directory security groups are configured during the Recording Service installation. You can change groupsthat have full control and/or write access to the Recording Service later using the Appdata.production.json configuration file.

  1. Go to the workstation on which the Recording Service is installed.

    To perform all activities below, you must be a system administrator of the workstation.

  2. Find the folder where the Recording Service is installed and open Appdata.production.jsonusing any text editor.

    By default, the component is installed into C:\inetpub\ABBYY Recording Service

  3. In the Appdata.production.json file find the ADGroupAccess section and change the values for the UiAdmin and Recorder parameters:

     "ADGroupAccess": {    
     "UiAdmin": "Domain\\UserName",    
     "Recorder": "ADGroupName"
  4. Backslashes used in values must be escaped with a backslash.

  5. Save the Appdata.production.json file.

  6. Restart the Recording Service website in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.