System requirements and prerequisites

Operating system

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3


4 cores or more


16 GB or more


512 GB or more

This depends on the actual amount of data loaded into the application.
Production environments may require more disk space, depending on the actual volume of data loaded into the application.

(to access the Blue Prism Process Intelligence website)

  • Google Chrome 92.0 or later
  • Microsoft Edge 93.0 or later

Additional software

Additional requirements for Linux

  • PostgreSQL 12.*

  • Docker 19.03.9

  • Docker Compose 1.27.4

  • Docker container 18.06.0-ce

  • Redis 3.2*

  • NodeJS 14.17*

  • ImageMagick 6.9.7*

  • Python 3.6.8*

  • Nginx 1.13.0*

  • SMTP Server

    Process Intelligence needs access to a running SMTP server to be able to send verification emails, notifications, invitations, and alerts.

* Included with the Process Intelligence distribution kit.

Scaling guidelines

The exact calculation of necessary hardware requires multiple parameters such as data volume and use patterns. However, the general guidelines can be defined as follows:

  • If the number of concurrent users is less than 10 and the data update frequency is one per day or less, a single server should be sufficient.
  • For more users or more frequent data updates, a separate server for DBMS is recommended.
  • For a fault-tolerant environment, use two identical servers and any standard load balancer.