Install the Message Broker server

Install and configure the Message Broker server, including configuring the Windows Firewall to enable network connectivity and the RabbitMQ management console.

If the Message Broker is not already installed and configured, then follow the steps below:

  1. Install Erlang/OTP.

    For information, see the Erlang/OTP installation guide.

  2. Download and install RabbitMQ and accept the default settings.

    For more information, see Downloading and Installing RabbitMQ.

  3. Configure Windows Firewall to enable inbound traffic to Ports 5672 and 15672.
  4. From the Start menu, under the RabbitMQ Server folder, select the RabbitMQ Command Prompt (sbin dir).
  5. In the RabbitMQ Command Prompt window, type the following command:

    rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

  6. Launch a browser and navigate to the following URL: http://localhost:15672
  7. In the RabbitMQ console, log on with the default credentials of guest/guest.

  8. In the console, click Admin.

  9. Click Add a user.

  10. Enter the details for a new user, providing the username and password. The user does not require any special permissions and can be left at None.

    The following characters must not be used for the password when creating the RabbitMQ user # / : ? @ \ ` " $ '.

  11. Click Add User.

    The next step is to set the permissions for the user.

  12. Click on the username of the user that you just created.

  13. Click Set Permission to allocate the default permissions.

  14. Select the Admin tab at the top and check that the permissions have been set properly as shown below.

This account has no Management Console access, so using the credentials you have just created will not enable any access.

This is a generic setup and base install of a RabbitMQ Message Broker service. It is recommended that the default passwords are changed and any security requirements such as applying SSL Certificates are completed by your IT department.

It is recommended that you create a new administrator account and remove the default guest account. Leaving the default guest account available may present a security risk.

Check RabbitMQ Message Broker connectivity

Launch a browser and type the following URL: http://<Message Broker Hostname>:15672

The login page for RabbitMQ Management Console should display.

You will not be able to log into the Management Console as the guest account is restricted to local access only and the account you created is not authorized to access the management console.

If the console does not appear, restart the RabbitMQ service. If the console still does not appear, see Troubleshoot a Hub installation.