Scripted solution

Once the initial web server configuration is complete, the following scripts can be used to prepare the initial web server host containing SS&C | Blue Prism® Hub and SS&C | Blue Prism® Interact for high availability, and for duplicating this configuration onto new web server hosts in your high availability configuration.

There are three PowerShell scripts that must be run in the following order:






A script containing external PowerShell functions (used by the other two scripts).



A script for preparing the initial Web Server host.



A script for configuring an additional Web Server host.

Copy these scripts, and the Blue Prism Data Protector, into a folder on the initial web server host, for example, C:\Scripts.

Always run PowerShell as administrator.

Important information

  • When passing connection strings as parameters of the prepare.ps1 script, you will need to specify the Availability Group Listener.
  • When using the recommended method of DNS, each application hostname should be pointing to the Load Balancer private IP.

    If DNS is not available and host files are being used, you will need to update the Hosts file on each web server host.

  • After installing Blue Prism Hub/Interact, the Require Server Name Indication option is enabled by default in the web bindings settings for each site on the initial web server. This option needs to be:

    • Disabled – If you have multiple sub-domain websites that share the same domain and you use either a wildcard certificate or a single certificate for all sub-domains.

      This is the most common setup of the Hub and Interact environment.

    • Enabled – If you have multiple sub-domain websites that do not share the same domain, and a different certificate for each domain.
    • Enabled – For the relevant sub-domain websites(s) if you have multiple sub-domains, some of which share the same domain, and some that do not share a domain.

    This option can be changed in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, by clicking Bindings from the Actions panel for the required website, and then clicking Edit. The Edit Site Bindings dialog displays with the Require Server Name Indication option shown.