Configure Blue Prism to use Interact

Blue Prism and Interact communicate through the Blue Prism Interact Remote API. To use this API, the Interact API Service release file should be imported into Blue Prism, this includes a Web API Service and VBO. Once imported it will need to be updated with the appropriate base URL and authorization codes to enable secure communication.

If you upgrade Interact to a new release, you must import the latest release file into Blue Prism. The Interact API Service release file is available on the Blue Prism Portal.

To configure Blue Prism to use Interact, you need to:

  1. Set up a service account in Hub and generate a secret key.
  2. Set up the credentials for the Interact Web API service account in Blue Prism.
  3. Import and configure the Interact API Service VBO to enable Blue Prism to communicate with Interact.

Set up a service account

To set up the Interact Remote API credentials in Blue Prism, a secret key is required. This is generated from the associated service account in Hub for use with the Interact Remote API. If you lose the key, you can regenerate another key from the service account. For more information, see Service accounts.

If you do not have a service account set up for the Interact Remote API, you can create a service account:

  1. In Blue Prism Hub, on the Service accounts page, click Add account.
  2. Enter a unique ID and a friendly name, for example, InteractRemoteAPI.

    Do not use InteractRemoteClient. This name is allocated internally in the system.

  3. Under Permissions, select Interact Remote API.

  4. Click Create service account.

    The Add a service account dialog displays with a generated secret key. You will need to enter this key into the Blue Prism interactive client when configuring the associated credential.

  5. Copy the generated secret key to your clipboard ready to paste into the Blue Prism interactive client.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

    The Service accounts page displays with the newly created account shown.

Set up credentials in Blue Prism

  1. Log into the Blue Prism interactive client, select System and then click Security > Credentials. See Security > Credentials for additional information.
  2. Click New.

    The Credential Details dialog displays.

  3. On the Application Credentials tab of the Credential Details dialog:

    1. Enter a name.
    2. Change the Type to OAuth 2.0 (Client Credentials).
    3. In Client ID, enter the ID that you used to create the service account above in Configure Blue Prism to use Interact, for example, InteractRemoteAPI.

    4. In Client Secret, enter the secret key that was generated for the service account.
    5. In the Additional Properties section set the value for:
      • grant_type to client_credentials.
      • scope to interact-remote-api.
  4. On the Access Rights tab of the Credential Details dialog, set up the required access permissions.
  5. Click OK.

Import and configure the Interact API Service VBO

Import the VBO

  1. Download the Interact API Service release file from the Blue Prism Portal.
  2. In Blue Prism, select File and click Import > Release / Skill and follow the prompts to import the release file into Blue Prism. For more information, see Import a file.

Configure the web service

  1. In Blue Prism, select System and then click Objects > Web API Services.

    The Objects - Web API Services screen displays. For example:

  2. Select Interact Management and click Edit Service.

    The Web API: Interact Management screen displays.

  3. On the Web API: Interact Management opening screen, in Base URL, enter the URL for your organization's Interact API service. This was defined during the installation of Interact.

  4. Select Common Authentication in the navigation tree, then complete the following:

    1. Ensure that Authentication Type is set to OAuth 2.0 (Client Credentials)

    2. In Authorization URI, enter the Authentication Server URL in the format:

      <Authentication Server URL>:<port if specified during install>/connect/token

      For example,

      Or, if the default port was used,

      If you have upgraded from a version earlier than 4.3, your system will still be using IMS. In this case, you should enter the information in the format:

      <IMS URL>:<port if specified>/connect/token

      For example,

    3. In Credential, select the credential you created in Set up credentials in Blue Prism.

  5. Click OK to save and complete the setup of the Web API Service.

Overview of the web service actions

The web service has nine defined actions. These actions are available within the Utility - Interact API Blue Prism VBO along with a number of additional actions which map to the web service. The actions are:

Interact Web API

Blue Prism VBO: Utility - Interact API

Get Submission

Get Submission

Get Form Schema

Get Form Schema

Create Submission

Create Submission

Edit Submission Field Value

Edit <Type> Field Value, where the type is:

Update Config

Change Field State to Optional

Change Field State to Mandatory

Change Field State to Read Only

Change Field State to Hidden

Change Page State to Visible

Change Page State to Hidden

Update Status

Move Submission to History Tab

Move Submission to Approved Tab

Move Submission to Review Tab

Move Submission to Declined Tab

Move Submission to Draft Tab

Move Submission to Inbox Tab

Move Submission to Archived Tab

Raise Submission

Raise Submission

Get Users by Form Name

Get Users by Form Name

Upload File

Upload File

The actions are called from the Utility - Interact API VBO so, after the initial configuration of the URL and authorization codes, the Web Service does not need to be amended. Each of the actions within the Utility - Interact API VBO are explained in the next section.