
Blue Prism Interact logging performed in Interact is outlined below:

  • Logs are saved to TXT files in user configurable locations – the default location is in the Blue Prism > Interact folder within the installation directory but this can be configured by editing the value of the following line in the nlog.configfile, located in the Interact folder of the installation directory:

    <variable name="logsFolder" value=".\Logs_Interact"/>

    Where .\ is the Interact installation directory. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Blue Prism\Interact\

    Once updated, restart IIS.

  • The default logging level can be configured in the appsettings.json file:
    • Default: Information
    • System: Warning
    • Microsoft: Warning

    The following logging levels can be applied: Critical, Debug, Error, Information, None, Trace, Warning. For more information about these logging levels, see docs.microsoft.com.

    The file is located in the Blue Prism > Interact folder within the installation directory – edit the file to change the logging levels. Following an update to the logging level, World Wide Web Publishing service must be restarted for the change to take effect.

  • Logs are archived to zip files every month to reduce the file size volume.
  • Logs do not contain any personal or sensitive information.