Using the Decipher VBO

This section can be used as a reference when using the Decipher VBO to create your own SS&C | Blue Prism® Decipher IDP processes. It also reflects the sample processes, which can be downloaded from the Decipher IDP portal page.

Push documents into Decipher IDP for processing

Documents should be sent to Decipher IDP in batches containing between 1 and 15 documents. The batch is sent to Decipher IDP via a Decipher IDP-specific queue in SS&C | Blue Prism® Enterprise. Blue Prism runtime resources interact with Decipher IDP via the Decipher VBO actions and the BluePrism.Decipher.VBO.Interop.dll. The Decipher - 01 Push Documents process uses the following sequence and configuration.

A maximum of 15 documents per batch is current best practice, but is not mandatory.

The recommended sequence in which to use the Decipher VBO actions to push documents to Decipher IDP for processing is:

Check whether Decipher IDP has batches to verify

A runtime resource looks at a specific Decipher IDP queue to determine if there is a batch of documents that are waiting for manual verification. The Decipher - 02 Batches to Verify process uses the following sequence and configuration.

The recommended sequence in which to use the Decipher VBO actions is:

Receive processed document data back from Decipher

The runtime resource looks at a specified Decipher work queue to determine if there is batch of documents that have been processed. If there is a Batch, then the list of documents can be pulled off the Decipher queue. With the list of documents, the processed document data can be pulled back from Decipher into Blue Prism.

This is done is two stages:

  • Stage 1 – get the list of processed documents in the batch.
  • Stage 2 – get document data from Decipher for each document.

The Decipher - 03 Get Verified Documents process uses the following sequence and configuration.

The recommended sequence in which to use the Decipher VBO actions is: