Import settings

The Import functionality allows users to connect to a database and download different lists which can be used for validation. Decipher IDP supports static lists and dynamic lists.

Static lists are adjusted in the Batch type settings and Dynamic lists can be adjusted with help of ERP functions.

Static lists

Static lists can pull data from a configured database and can be defined in the Import settings section of Batch types in the Admin Panel. See Validation lists (Import settings) for details.

Dynamic lists

Decipher IDP can calculate and dynamically populate a field from a database. A valid import connection string must be specified in the Batch type import settings. Fields can be populated dynamically using an SQL query. To achieve this use the SQLEXEC() ERP function in the formula column in the Form Definition Screen for the appropriate dynamic list field. Flags Dynamiclist and AutoCalc must be selected for this functionality to work properly.

The example below explains how to dynamically populate an approver ID based on a selected vendor.

  1. Ensure the connection string in the batch type is correct, for example:
  2. Copy
    Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=DynListsTest;Integrated Security=True

  3. In the DFD, ensure that the field which is populated via field 8 Sanmina Legal has flags set to Assignable; AutoCalculate.

  4. In the formula column for field 8, enter the desired sql function, ensuring the syntax is correct:

  5. Copy

    This will automatically set the required dependent field.

  6. Save the DFD screen.
  7. Ensure that the user has the Web SDK service running, has access to the database and table, and has the data_reader role.


This video looks at dynamic lists and how you can add validation based on another value in a document.

Synchronous static lists

You can reference multiple static SQL lists by using the Mappings feature. You may want to do this if you maintain more then one list containing distinct information, different vendor information for example, but want the field to access them all. The value in the first field will automatically populate the value in the second field and vice versa. Click Admin Panel > Document Form Definitions > Add/Edit document form definition, select the field form you would like to create mappings for and click on Mappings.

The Save Mapping dialog displays, which enables you to add multiple sources for a single field destination.