Interact 3.0 – February 2020

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This release note is for the 3.0 release of Blue Prism Cloud Interact (Interact) delivered in a standalone configuration.

Release notes


The following new features and enhancements are introduced in this version of Interact.


The following components have been added to the Interact user interface:

  • Interact Form Management table – Controls the management of Interact Forms displaying ownership and version history.
  • Import/Export workflow – Capability to import and export Forms using a new, robust structure.
  • Create new Interact Form modal – The new Interact Form designer, supporting the use of regular expressions and validation with a Play Test area to test before deployment.

Improved Interact rule logic to enable control over pages and regular expressions.

Interact has been migrated to .NET Core 2.2.

The Interact Form Builder has been updated with the following new functionality:

  • Interact Form Designer – Allows you to add and edit elements and use a drag-and-drop interface to organize.
  • Play Test Area – Allows you to view forms and test rules and validation.
  • Automation ID now automatically inherits the name of the label. ID will be in lowercase and whites paces will be replaced by a hyphen

Additional functionality has been added to text elements in the Interact Form Builder:

  • The ability to specify minimum and maximum characters.
  • The ability to specify allowed and non-allowed characters.
  • The ability to use regular expressions.
  • The ability to use customized error messages.
  • Purge on Submission has been replaced with Mask on Submission.

Additional functionality has been added to number elements in the Interact Form Builder:

  • A prefix character field has been added to allow currencies to be specified when required.
  • A checkbox has been added to specify that only whole numbers can be added to a field.
  • A checkbox has been added to that formats large numbers with separating commas.
  • An option to allow the use of decimal points in numbers has been added.

Additional functionality has been added to date elements in the Interact Form Builder:

  • A new option to specify the dates that can be entered has been added. Fields can be set to accept any dates, only past dates, or only future dates. Past and future dates can be restricted to limit how many days into the past or future the entered date can be.
  • The format of date elements can now be specified. For example, DD/MM/YYYY.

Additional functionality has been added to upload elements in the Interact Form Builder:

  • The accepted file type can now be specified as either file or image. For each file type, accepted extension types can also be specified.
  • The accepted extension type can now be specified.
  • A maximum file size can be applied.

Paragraph elements in the Interact Form Builder can now be formatted rather than previously where paragraphs could only be entered as plain text.

Top and bottom padding can now be applied to horizontal rule elements.

Drop-down elements in the Interact Form Builder can now defined to allow users to select either single or multiple items with the ability to specify a minimum and maximum number of selections. Drop-downs have also been restricted to a maximum of 250 options.

Checkbox Group elements in the Interact Form Builder can now defined to allow users to select either single or multiple items with the ability to specify a minimum and maximum number of selections. Checkboxes have also been restricted to a maximum of 10 options.

Radio Group elements in the Interact Form Builder are now restricted to a maximum of 10 options.

A default option can now be defined for Drop-down, Radio Group, and Checkbox Group elements that is selected when users encounter that element.

Multiline elements in the Interact Form Builder have been renamed as Table elements and the following functionality has been introduced:

  • Define Initial row count field in tables
  • Define minimum and maximum number of rows fields in a table
  • Restricts up to 15 columns in a table
  • Allow an empty value checkbox to be added that ensures a column is allowed no input within a table

New rules have been added to the following elements in the Interact Form Builder:

  • Text elements – contains, does not contain, equals, does not equal
  • Number elements – equals, does not equal, is less than, is less than or equal to, is more than, is more than or equal to
  • Date elements – equals, does not equal, is after, is before, is in month, is in year, is not in year
  • Time elements – equals, does not equal, is after, is before
  • File elements – file size is greater than, file size is less than, file type is, file type is not
  • Image elements – image type is, image type is not
  • Dropdown elements (single) – equals, does not equal
  • Dropdown elements (multiple) – contains, does not contain, selection quantity is, selection quantity is not, selection quantity is less than, selection quantity is more than, selection quantity is less than or equal to, selection quantity is more than or equal
  • Radio Group elements – equal rule, does not equal
  • Checkbox elements (single) – equal, does not equal
  • Checkbox elements (multiple) – contains, does not contain, selection quantity is, selection quantity is not, selection quantity is less than, selection quantity is more than, selection quantity is less than or equal to, selection quantity is more than or equal
  • Table elements – number of rows added equals, number of rows added is more than, number of rows added is less than
  • Paragraph elements – state can be visible or hidden based on pre-populated

Rules can now be cloned to speed up the creation process.

Interact is now available in the following languages English, French German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Chinese.

Fixes and minor improvements

The following fixes and minor improvements are introduced with this version.


Mandatory fields now identified by an asterisk on Interact Forms.

Performance has been improved on the Interact Rules page when adding large numbers of rules.

The Interact rules page has been enhanced to make a better experience for users with an improved user interface and an easier way to move rules.

In the Interact Form Designer, the Automation ID now automatically inherits the name of the label. The ID will be in lowercase and white spaces will be replaced by hyphens.

The Purge on Submission check box in the Interact Form Designer has been renamed Mask on Submission. The functionality of this option remains unchanged.