Hub 3.0 – February 2020

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This release note is for the 3.0 release of Blue Prism Cloud Hub (Hub) delivered in a standalone configuration.

Important notices

Ensure you have reviewed the upgrade notices for this release.

Release notes


The following new features and enhancements are introduced in this version of [product].


Description of change


Implemented new Identity Management Server (IMS).


New IMS ‘Login’ screen + new flow.


New IMS ‘Forget password’ screen + new flow.


New IMS Interact registration screen + new flow.


New session control mechanism.


New encryption control.


New SMTP authentication control.


You can now test your email configuration by sending a test email to email of the user you're logged in as.


IADA URL included in ‘Database’ settings modal.

User, Roles and Registration Approvals

User Settings have been changed to ‘Users, Roles and Registration Approvals’ on the ‘Settings’ toggle to accommodate Interact registrations.


Registration approval number is included within settings toggle, this will let the administrator know how many Interact users need to be reviewed.


‘User, Roles and Registration Approvals’ option will be highlighted in red if the administrator has to review registered Interact users.


Setup status column within the user table has been added to assist administrators in understanding if a user has been setup correctly.


New Interact registration table and tab.


New Interact registration approval/deny workflow.


You can customize the look of IMS (including Login, Forget Password and Interact Registration pages).


You can customize the look of Interact.


Audit option included within the Settings toggle.


New Audit table.


The following categories will be tracked for audit reasons - User Management, SMTP Management, Role Management, Live Access, Authentication Settings, Digital Workers.

.NET Core

Migrated Hub to .NET Core 2.2.


IMS and Hub supports the following languages English, French German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian) and Chinese.

Fixes and minor improvements

The following fixes and minor improvements are introduced with this version of [product].


Description of change


Improved ‘Email’ settings modal


Improved ‘Add New’ database modal


Authentication settings option included within the ‘Settings’ toggle


New ‘Authentication’ settings table


Improved ‘LDAP’ configuration page


You can test to see if ‘LDAP’ has been implemented correctly


New flow to import users from LDAP

User, Roles and Registration Approvals

User Settings have been changed to ‘Users, Roles and Registration Approvals’ on the ‘Settings’ toggle to accommodate Interact registrations


Adding ‘New user’ modal to include Hub/Interact, Privileges/Roles, language and themes


New ‘Edit user’ modal to include Hub/Interact, Privileges/Roles and theme


New ‘Roles’ table and tab


‘Create Role’ modal redesign, you now have the option to create a Hub or Interact role


New ‘Edit role’ modal


You can now re-use the same email address as a user who has retired

My Profile

A new profile page that includes the users Username, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Language, Avatar and the ability to edit Password


Footer inline image no longer get cut off