IADA Orchestration

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This user guide covers Blue Prism Cloud Intelligent Automated Digital Assistant (IADA). This specific guide is for the Blue Prism Cloud 2022.1 platform.

IADA allows automation developers to align business metrics to their varied workloads, driving priorities and service level agreements (SLAs) to determine the order that individual queue items should be executed in.

This guide outlines functionality and usage of IADA and how to apply orchestration across your workforce and into your automations. Whether this is existing automations or new automations.

This guide assumes that the user is familiar with, and has experience using, Blue Prism.


When we build process automations we tend to only consider the process design/build at hand. We are taught and are proficient in being able to create a process automation to run well. When testing we test this single process automation for any errors or inconsistencies in performance.

What we are less likely to consider, or certainly spend not enough time considering, is how our process automation ecosystem will work as a whole; as a combined unit. An organization may employ a controller or task one of the developers with acting as a controller. The controller’s role is to check on the automations, setup schedules and ensure that work items are being processed based on SLAs, priorities and demand. This is an inefficient use of resource and adds additional expense. Would it not be better to autonomously make decisions on what process automations to run and when to run them?

Sometimes, the perception of implementing the concept of orchestration is that there is a plug-and-play solution available or a solution that looks up against a dictionary of defined process rules. Unfortunately, to create a successful and effective solution which will return the desired benefits, there is a level of bespoke customization and design consideration that needs to be undertaken.