Blue Prism API prerequisites

Minimum hardware requirements

See Blue Prism software and hardware requirements for details of the minimum requirements for the web server onto which the Blue Prism API will be installed.

Web server IIS configuration

The following configuration must be applied to the web server that will host the API. This can be configured using the provided PowerShell script.

It is recommended that the Blue Prism API is installed on its own server. Whilst is is possible for it co-exist with other Blue Prism server components where IIS is enabled, this will increase the surface area of the device, and is therefore not recommended in production environments.

Scripted configuration

To configure the web server via a script, run the following command using the PowerShell command prompt:

Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server, Web-Windows-Auth -IncludeManagementTools

Configure SSL certificates

An SSL certificate will be required on the device(s) where the Blue Prism API will be installed. It will be used to secure the site that is created. The certificate must be present on the machine that hosts the API. Depending on your infrastructure and IT organization security requirements this could be an internally created SSL certificate or a purchased certificate to protect the website. See Generate a self-signed SSL certificate for information on generating a self-signed certificate.

Enable Authentication Server

To enable authentication against the API, your Blue Prism environment must be configured to use Authentication Server, and Authentication Server must be enabled in the Blue Prism interactive client.

  • Authentication Server must be installed using the Blue Prism Hub installer (version 4.3 and later), see the Hub installation guide.
  • For information on how to configure your Blue Prism environment to use Authentication Server, see the Authentication Server configuration guide.
  • The authentication configuration described in this guide is only required when interacting with the Blue Prism API outside of Blue Prism Hub. When using the API to interact with the data that is used in the browser-based Control Room in Hub via the API directly, user authentication is handled by the service account that has access to the Authentication Server API.