Troubleshooting – SAP integration

SAP Integration is provided by Blue Prism using the SAP GUI scripting API. The API is provided by SAP AG to allow automation of their thick client platform, Netweaver.


Before Blue Prism can interact with SAP, the GUI scripting API has to be enabled on the SAP Server. To enable SAP GUI scripting, open the SAP client and logon with administrative credentials. Start a RZ11 transaction. Type 'sapgui/user_scripting' in the Maintain Profile Parameters window and click Display. Click Change value in the Display Profile Parameter Attributes window and type TRUE in the New Value field. Save the settings and log out from SAP GUI.

Supported controls



SAP Button

The button control supports one navigate action 'Press'. The bounds and text can be obtained using read actions. This control cannot be written to.

SAP CheckBox

The standard checkbox control supports reading and writing of the value.

SAP ComboBox

The combobox item can be selected by index or name using the 'Select Item' action. The number of items can be read using a read stage. The selected text can be read, and the full list of items in the combobox can be read using 'Get All Items'.

SAP GridView

The gridview supports reading the entire contents of the grid into a collection. Only text-based values will be present – columns containing icons or similar will come out empty.

SAP Label

The label control supports getting the text via a read stage.

SAP Menubar

A quirk in the SAP GUI Scripting API means that these can only be spied when the main SAP window is maximised, although they function normally once spied regardless of maximised state. They support selecting a menu item by path, as for other application types – an example path would be "{File}{Save}".

SAP Scrollbar

The sap scrollbar supports Get Max Value, Get Value and Get Min Value with read stages, a Set Value navigate action, and a write that also sets the value.

SAP ScrollContainer

The sap scrollbar container is supported with a similar set of actions to a SAP Scrollbar. The difference being that each action comes in a Horizontal and Vertical flavour, and there is no write-stage capability.

SAP OkCodeField

The ok code field is a special combo/text entry box that sits in the toolbar and allows transaction codes like "SU11" to be entered. Entering a code takes the user to a destination within the application. Setting the text on the ok code field using a write stage is supported. Pressing the Enter key has to be simulated to activate it.

SAP PasswordField

The SAP password field can be written to using a write stage.

SAP RadioButton

The sap radiobutton can be written to and selected. The text and the current state can also be read. Note that when writing, the value cannot be set to False. As this would break the radio setting. Attempting to set the value to false raises an exception.

SAP TableControl

The table control supports reading the entire contents of the table into a collection. Only text-based values will be present – columns containing icons or similar will come out empty.


The sap tab control represents an individual tab within a tab strip. These can be spied directly, and a Select action is available to select the tab.

SAP TabStrip

The tabstrip control is the parent for a group of tabs. It can't be spied directly, but can be selected from the model. Selecting an item by name works.

SAP TextField

A standard edit field. Reading and writing is supported.

SAP CTextField

The ctextfield controls is the same as a textfield, except it has an added combo button to access recently used entries.

SAP Treeview

Sap Treeview supports reading the 'key' of the selected node, and also getting the node text of a given key. Combining those two in sequence means the selected node text can be obtained. This can be done as two steps of a single read stage. The standard 'Select Item' action provides a direct one-step action. Unlike tree views in other application types, SAP tree nodes cannot have checkboxes attached. Thus, 'Set Item Checked' is not implemented for SAP treeviews. It's not possible to determine the expanded or collapsed state of a tree node for SAP, so it's impossible to implement 'Toggle Item Expansion', impossible to provide any way of reading that status, or to have automated tests for the expand/collapse functions. It's not possible to implement 'Ensure Item Visible' via the SAP API. When selecting a tree node, its parents be expanded already – the API will not auto-expand for you, it will just be unable to find the node if it's hidden.

HTML viewer

Additionally the SAP API provides a view on an underlying HTML document, Blue Prism can integrate with these controls accessed via the HTML spy mode.

Unsupported controls

  • GuiBarChart
  • GuiCalendar
  • GuiChart
  • GuiColorSelector
  • GuiContextMenu
  • GuiCustomControl
  • GuiDialogShell
  • GuiEAIViewer2D
  • GuiEAIViewer3D
  • GuiMap
  • GuiMenu
  • GuiSapChart
  • GuiNetChart
  • GuiPicture
  • GuiTitlebar